Introducing Claris Studio

It’s here. Meet the new and improved Claris platform. Last week, Claris announced the release of Claris Studio; now available alongside Claris Pro and Claris Connect. 


The goal of Claris Studio is to provide a unified view for all of your business functions. This product encourages the ability to manage your business by collecting, viewing, and analyzing data using a cloud-native development platform. It is the Claris product that provides a deeper understanding of your overall business operations.


Do you face business challenges like unorganized dashboards, incorrect data, or minimal functionality and visibility? With Claris Studio, you are able to:

  • see all of your information displayed in multiple views

  • gather data from all sources

  • have access to real time data across the Claris platform

  • build solutions with true web scale

  • share information with select people

  • create responsive web forms 

  • get deeper insights

  • improve collaboration

  • have Claris ID unified authentication - switch between Claris Studio, Pro, and Go

  • have the functionality to create dashboards, reports, or charts to gain a better view of your business operations


Claris Studio offers a variety of displays to view your data, ultimately improving efficiency and decision-making. The views provided are:

  • Form - create and share web forms used to collect people's information

  • Spreadsheet - import, view, and modify data in a column and row format

  • List-detail - view a record and its details in the same display

  • Kanban - track the progress of your work by moving cards across project phase columns

  • Dashboard - create a pie, line, or bar chart from existing data for a bird’s eye view


Organize relevant views into hubs. Use a central location to manage collections of views. You can organize these hubs by tasks, job function, or business process. You also have the ability to share hubs with select team members and reuse views across hubs. 

To Conclude

Simply put, Claris Studio was created to simplify, accelerate, and improve your work by following just four steps:

  1. Sign in using Claris ID

  2. Create views

  3. Organize views into a unified hub

  4. Share hubs with team members

Here at PK, we are very excited about the release. We’re looking forward to learning more about the solutions this new product has to offer and how that will help increase efficiency. 

PK Information is a FileMaker-certified development agency serving the Tampa Bay and Knoxville regions. We believe that great software can change everything. Would your database benefit from a process review? Contact us today!