Squarespace Series: Integrations

In our previous blog post, we discussed the very basics of setting up your Squarespace website, how to get it up and running - and don’t forget, keeping it up-to-date. Today we want to talk about the official and custom integrations you can use with Squarespace. 

Official Integrations

In order to get your website completely up and running, it will most likely involve using integrations. This means connecting your Squarespace website with other websites and platforms (i.e. Apple Pay, MailChimp, Facebook, etc). Luckily, Squarespace offers tons of “official integrations” within the following categories:

  • Blocks

  • Blogging

  • Commerce

  • Connected social accounts

  • Design

  • Domains and email

  • Forms

  • Images

  • Marketing

  • Multilingual

  • Online ordering

  • Videos

They make it very easy to incorporate these integrations, providing step-by-step guides on their Squarespace Integrations page. Some of these integrations are as simple as a few clicks and login information, while others may require a bit more legwork. Take a look at the example below:

As you can see, having these integrations available to you is extremely beneficial. It allows you to have more flexibility and control so you can offer a seamless experience for your users. So what happens if you can’t find the integration you need?

Code-Based Customizations

While Squarespace offers a wide range of integrations and instructions for them, this does not mean you’re limited to these. All official integrations are fully supported by Squarespace but you do have the option to use code-based solutions as well. 

Custom code-based modifications are available if a feature, function, or embedded content isn’t available in Squarespace (i.e. Etsy, Eventbrite, BeerMenus, etc). Just keep in mind that these code-based customizations are not within the scope of Squarespace support. 

And that’s where we come in 😎. If you’re considering using a custom modification, this will typically involve having to paste code from a third-party service into a code injection and applying advanced code to the code block. If you’re in need of assistance or not sure where to start, give us a call and our team can help with code-based or official integrations. 

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