Consumer Privacy Regulations Part 1

Consumer Privacy Regulations Part 1

Google Analytics 4 will be implementing more security features that align with regulations such as the (soon-to-be) CPRA and the GDPR. These regulations protect the consumer’s privacy, which may restrict a business’s or organization's ability to collect and process personal data. This week, we’ll introduce you to the CPRA.

Decide: How will the interface look? (Part 4)

Decide: How will the interface look? (Part 4)

Practically speaking, how should an interface look? The answer is situational and depends upon your users. After all, when you design for a client, you are looking out for…

Decide: How do you structure content? (Part 3)

Decide: How do you structure content? (Part 3)

No matter what the content of your database is, having an established hierarchy is absolutely vital if you want the end users to successfully use the software—especially if one of your goals is to provide updates that are intuitive and do not require extensive retraining for your user base. The stakeholders must…

Decide: What kind of development work will you do? (Part 2)

Decide: What kind of development work will you do? (Part 2)

Occasionally, it needs to be said that as developers we should strive for dev work that, well, works. A beautifully designed layout may be wonderful at first glance, but it cannot create a positive user experience if it doesn’t have…

Decide: Who are you designing for? (Part 1)

Decide: Who are you designing for? (Part 1)

Who are you designing for? The simple-yet-complex answer is end users. They’re frequently not who’s paying us, but end users are the most important stakeholder for your software design. Throughout the development process, they should also be…